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As discussed in 8, it is not possible to define a managed wrapper class with a field of type NativeLib::SampleCipher. Since only pointers to native classes are allowed as field types, NativeLib::SampleCipher* must be used instead. In the constructor of the wrapper class, the instance must be created, and the destructor is necessary to delete the wrapped object. namespace ManagedWrapper { public ref class SampleCipher sealed { NativeLib::SampleCipher* pWrappedObject; public: SampleCipher(/* arguments ignored so far */) { pWrappedObject = new NativeLib::SampleCipher(/* arguments ignored so far */); } ~SampleCipher() { delete pWrappedObject; } /* ... */ }; } In addition to the destructor, it would also be useful to implement a finalizer, which is explained in 11.

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10 (PARTITION q1_2004 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('1-APR-2004','DD-MON-YYYY')) 11 TABLESPACE t1 12 (SUBPARTITION q12004_northeast_sales VALUES ('NYC','BOS','PEN'), 13 SUBPARTITION q12004_southwest_sales VALUES ('DFW','ORL','HOU'), 14 SUBPARTITION q12004_pacificwest_sales VALUES ('SAN','LOS','WAS'), 15 SUBPARTITION q12004_southeast_sales VALUES ('MIA','CHA','ATL') 16 ), 17 PARTITION q2_2004 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('1-JUL-2004','DD-MON-YYYY')) 18 TABLESPACE t2 19 (SUBPARTITION q22004_northeast_sales VALUES ('NYC','BOS','PEN'), 20 SUBPARTITION q22004_southwest_sales VALUES ('DFW','ORL','HOU'), 21 SUBPARTITION q22004_pacificwest_sales VALUES ('SAN','LOS','WAS'), 22 SUBPARTITION q22004_southeast_sales VALUES ('MIA','CHA','ATL') 23 ), 24 PARTITION q3_2004 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('1-OCT-2004','DD-MON-YYYY')) 25 TABLESPACE t3 26 (SUBPARTITION q32004_northeast_sales VALUES ('NYC','BOS','PEN'), 27 SUBPARTITION q32004_southwest_sales VALUES ('DFW','ORL','HOU'), 28 SUBPARTITION q32004_pacificwest_sales VALUES ('SAN','LOS','WAS'), 39 SUBPARTITION q32004_southeast_sales VALUES ('MIA','CHA','ATL') 30 ), 31 PARTITION q4_2004 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('1-JAN-2005','DD-MON-YYYY')) 32 TABLESPACE t4 33 (SUBPARTITION q42004_northeast_sales VALUES ('NYC','BOS','PEN'), 34 SUBPARTITION q42004_southwest_sales VALUES ('DFW','ORL','HOU'), 35 SUBPARTITION q42004_pacificwest_sales VALUES ('SAN','LOS','WAS'), 36 SUBPARTITION q42004_southeast_sales VALUES ('MIA','CHA','ATL') 37 ) 38* ); Table created. SQL> A total of 16 subpartitions will be created in the range-list-partitioned table created in Listing 5-11, with four subpartitions in each tablespace (t1, t2, t3, t4). Each time you insert a row of data into the quarterly_regional_sales table, Oracle will first check whether the value of the partitioning column for a row falls within a specific partition range. Oracle will then map the row to a subpartition within that partition, by mapping the subpartition column value to the appropriate subpartition based on the values in the subpartition s list. For example, the row with the column values (9999, 2004, 10, 1, 'DAL', 'HOU') maps to subpartition q32004_southwest_sales.

After you initially create partitioned tables, you can perform a number of maintenance operations on the partitions. For example, you can add and drop partitions to maintain a fixed number of partitions based on a quarterly time period. In this section, I illustrate the use of these maintenance operations by assuming a rangepartitioning scheme. These maintenance operations apply to all types of partitioning schemes, with a few exceptions, like the following: Range and list partitions can t be coalesced. Hash partitions can t be dropped, split, or merged. Only list partitions allow the modification of partitions by adding and dropping the partition values.

The last example enables you to parse through each word of some input string, consuming two words at a time. Words are assumed to be separated by spaces. This once again uses the set command to assign positional variables the value of each word. The same code as we used previously is implemented, but the core function is now surrounded by a loop that continues until the first word is null.

You can add a new partition to the ticket_sales table to include a new quarter, as follows: SQL> ALTER TABLE ticket_sales ADD PARTITION sales_quarter5 VALUES LESS THAN (TO_DATE('1-JAN-2005','DD-MON-YYYY')) TABLESPACE ticket_sales05; This example adds a new quarterly partition for the first quarter of the year 2005, which comes after the last quarter in the original table.

The ADD PARTITION statement will add partitions only to the upper end of the existing table. But what if you need to insert some new data into the middle of a table What if an existing partition becomes too large, and you would rather have smaller partitions Splitting a partition takes the data in an existing partition and distributes it between two partitions. You can use the SPLIT PARTITION clause to break up a partition, as shown here: SQL> ALTER TABLE ticket_sales SPLIT PARTITION ticket_sales01 AT (2000) INTO (PARTITION ticket_sales01A, ticket_sales01B);

You can use the MERGE PARTITIONS command to combine the contents of two adjacent partitions. For example, you can merge the first two partitions of the ticket_sales table in the following way: SQL> ALTER TABLE ticket_sales MERGE PARTITIONS ticket_sales01, ticket_sales02 INTO PARTITION ticket_sales02;

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