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Figure 8-3. Selecting OOB icons You also specify the initial Width, Height, and the Window Title of the host window within which the locally installed application launches. Note that these setting are the initial launch settings only, and the application always launches in a host window of these dimensions. Also note that the default initial location of the application window is centered on the screen, but if you check the Set window location manually option, you can specify the initial Top and Left coordinates of the application window in screen coordinates. Although the user can resize the host window when the application launches, Silverlight has no built-in facility to remember those settings across launches; however, we will show you in later recipes how to record these settings and control them programmatically. We will also discuss the other options on the dialog in later recipes. The settings specified in this process are stored as XML in a file named OutOfBrowserSettings.xml under the Properties folder in your Silverlight project.

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If the installation settings are applied as discussed above, you can bring up the Silverlight context menu on the application running in the browser. You ll see an option to locally install the application, as shown in Figure 8-4.

Figure 8-4. Local installation menu option in the Silverlight context menu Selecting this option opens an installation options dialog. Figure 8-5 shows a sample.

In Listing 6-4, the parrot icon is referenced as an image component, and it registers an onClick event listener to redirect the user to index.zul page by invoking Executions.getCurrent().sendRedirect("/index.zul") when the user clicks this icon.

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BizCode Generator for Winforms is powerful barcode generating component, allowing EAN-128/GS1-128 and other 20+ linear & 2D barcodes to be created in .
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Figure 8-5. Installation options dialog for local installation of a Silverlight application Note the text marked in bold in the dialog box. The title provided in the application identity settings in the application manifest is used to identify the application, and the web URI indicates the application s site of origin (in this case, http://localhost indicates that the application is being delivered from the local web server). The icon used in this dialog is the 128 x 128 pixel image provided in the application manifest. After the application is installed, you can launch it directly from either the Start menu icon or the desktop shortcut added during the installation process, depending on your selection of the shortcut locations in the install dialog. To remove a locally installed application, you can to run the application, either locally or inbrowser by visiting the application web site, and bring up the Silverlight context menu. When the application is installed locally, the context menu offers an option to remove the application from your machine (see Figure 8-6). In Windows, you can also use Control Panel | Programs and Features to remove the listed application.

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The default mechanism of installing a Silverlight application through the context menu option may not always be a desirable choice. You may want to display a more visually appealing and slightly more obvious way of indicating to the user that the application can be locally installed. You may also want to have additional application logic tied to the process of the local installation. The System.Windows.Application class exposes some APIs to help control programmatic installation. With the appropriate installation settings present in the application manifest as described earlier, invoking the static method Application.Install() from your application code has the same effect as invoking the context menu option for local installation. The Application.InstallState property also gives you the current install state of the application. It is of the enumeration type System.Windows.InstallState and can have the following values: NotInstalled: The current application has not been locally installed on the machine. Installing: Either Application.Install() has been invoked or the user selected the install option from the context menu, and the application is about to be locally installed. Installed: The currently running application is installed on the machine. InstallFailed: An attempt to install the application was made, but the attempt failed.

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It is easy to install, and drag this barcode SDK onto your .NET Windows Forms to create desired barcodes. Developers can also generate and customize ...

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Create GS1 128/EAN/UCC 128 in .NET Apps with Windows Forms ...
IntelliSide .NET WinForms control is the most flexible component which easily creates and prints GS1 128 barcode into .NET applications. High quality barcode​ ...

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